Research Consultation

Research Consultation Service

Scientific research consultancy, covering research center development and management.

Clients usually use market researches and feasibility studies, even more, asks for consultation from time to time, yet, some of the client needs might not be covered using the previous methods, as it might be of a more complicated issue that can’t be solved nor answered with such stated methods and tools.

Here comes the need for research, either by training our client on how to conduct research, coaching them on the research steps, or furthermore, build jointly their research capacity by starting a research center internally.

In such a case, we usually recommend our clients to follow the below mentioned steps, as we support them to:

  • Select the most qualified talents at their capacity.
  • Join advanced research methods course, covering quantitative and qualitative skills.
  • Coach the client research team on the early new research projects.
  • Set the client research map, projects, and deliverables.
  • Follow a mid to long term coaching and follow up plan to insure research center succession.