Our  Services

It is important to mention that as part of our mission & vision at Ashraf El-Safty Consulting, we do not just provide consultation, nor we offer a single-sided service. However, we rather prefer to follow a coaching advisory (educational), knowledge sharing approach, in which we involve our clients – or our success partners – to be part of the consultation process itself.


Strategy related consultancy. Supporting our clients with knowledge and experience formulating and implementing the needed strategy, with general business review, in-depth organizational analysis, rigorous corporate and business level strategy positioning.


Marketing and Markets related consultancy. Understanding market and market needs is a really hard process, using marketing researches such process can guarantee a better focused understanding, close enough to the actual.


Scientific research consultancy, covering research center development and management. Scientific research consultancy, covering research center development and management. Clients usually use market researches and feasibility studies, even more, asks for consultation from time to time.


Courses covering all of our experience and knowledge base. Designed to give you the ability of scientific, practical thinking, and technical capabilities to fulfill your needs and to develop your answers to complicated questions.